Discover 6 Effective & Simple Natural Detox Methods


Clare Kelway DIHom BCHN®

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Picture this: you wake up late for work and grab some junk food on your way, not thinking about the toxic ingredients used to make it. As you approach the city, the air becomes cloudy from all the pollutants. Stress levels can drive us to revert to old lifestyle habits and forget all the wonderful life habits you may have wanted to implement.

stressed woman rushing to work

Once you finally get to the office, the heating or air conditioning, while providing comfort, recirculates a mix of indoor contaminants, contributing to an unnoticed cocktail of toxins and synthetic chemicals in your immediate surroundings. 

This scene captures the daily rhythm of many lives, where our modern environment exposes us to harmful bacteria and toxins that can compromise our overall well-being. As a result, effective detoxification methods have never been more crucial.

Your body’s natural detoxification processes

Our bodies have remarkable natural detoxification processes to remove toxins and harmful substances from our bodies naturally to promote health. This includes the following:

The liver filters and neutralizes toxins. Your liver is your primary toxin filtration system, converting toxins into waste products, cleansing your blood, and metabolizing medications and nutrients. Your liver provides your body with vital proteins for protein synthesis.

Kidneys play a pivotal role in purifying our bloodstream. Kidneys detoxify by secreting toxins or filtering toxins out of the blood into urine.

Skin is our largest organ and eliminates toxins through sweat. How we care for our bodies from the inside out will determine our skin’s beauty. Consider that your skin is your second liver. When your liver detox pathways are clogged, you are more likely to suffer skin rashes, outbreaks, and other unpleasant skin responses.

Lungs which contribute to the expulsion of airborne pollutants. Avoiding air pollutants and cigarette smoke, especially secondhand smoke, is key for the health of your lungs.

However, the onslaught of pollutants we’re exposed to daily can sometimes overwhelm your body’s detox processes, leaving us seeking ways to support and enhance our body’s natural ability to detoxify and naturally cleanse.

This is where functional medicine excels. Rooted in the belief that nature holds the key to optimal well-being, functional medicine emphasizes the body’s innate ability to heal itself. 

Join us as we unlock the secrets of natural detox methods backed by science, empowering you to cleanse your body effectively and embark on a path toward health transformation.

Increase Hydration to Detox your Body

Woman drinking clean water for hydration

Hydration is the foundation of the body’s natural detoxification system.

At a molecular level, water’s role in detoxification is crucial. As a universal solvent, it supports the kidneys in the natural processes of filtering and excreting water-soluble waste, optimizing the glomerular filtration rate (a measure of how efficiently the kidneys filter waste and excess fluids from the blood).

Adequate hydration is equally vital for hepatic function, aiding the liver in metabolizing toxins into water-soluble compounds for efficient elimination.

This process ensures optimal liver performance and prevents the accumulation of harmful substances. 

Additionally, water maintains homeostasis (balance), supporting skin perspiration and respiratory processes and removing harmful toxins.

Bottom line: drink more clean water [1] for healthy body detox.

Implementing a hydration routine to increase your water intake

Implementing a hydration routine need not be a daunting task; simple tips can seamlessly integrate increased water intake into daily life:

Begin by setting reminders or using apps to prompt regular sips throughout the day.

Opt for a reusable water bottle to keep water easily accessible.

Try infusing your water with slices of cucumber, mint, or citrus fruits.

Aim to replace other beverages with water.

Kickstarting your morning with warm lemon water can also be transformative. Lemon adds a burst of flavor and provides a natural source of vitamin C, supporting immune function.

The warmth stimulates digestion, while the citrus elements promote liver function, aiding in releasing enzymes that facilitate detoxification.

Increase Dietary Fiber to Eliminate Toxins

Fiber for natural detox

Fiber is your body’s natural detoxifier. Dietary fiber has been shown to increase the activity of antioxidant and detox enzymes in your liver. Dietary fiber also supports the microbiota that help generate secondary bile acids.

Soluble Fiber for detox

Fiber, particularly soluble fiber, is pivotal in the body’s detoxification process. Soluble fiber can bind to toxins in the gastrointestinal tract, forming a gel-like substance that traps harmful compounds and facilitates their safe excretion from the body. 

Additionally, fiber promotes regular bowel movements, aiding in the timely elimination of waste and preventing the reabsorption of toxins in the colon [2]. This is key and highly beneficial for your digestive system. By enhancing the efficiency of your immune health, fiber contributes significantly to the body’s natural detoxification mechanisms.

Beyond its detoxifying properties, fiber is also instrumental in maintaining optimal gut health and regularity. Soluble fiber acts as a prebiotic, providing nourishment for beneficial gut bacteria.

High-fiber foods help slow down glucose absorption, regulate blood sugar levels, and support detoxification. Aim to eat at least 30 grams of fiber daily from vegetables (like Brussels sprouts, peas, and artichokes), avocados, berries, nuts, and seeds, especially chia seeds and flaxseeds.

A balanced diet and diverse gut microbiota are essential for detoxification, as they influence digestion, nutrient absorption, and even immune function.

High-fiber foods to detox your body

To harness the detoxifying and gut-nourishing benefits of fiber, consider incorporating a variety of high-fiber foods into your daily meals:

  • Opt for whole grains like oats and quinoa
  • Indulge in a colorful array of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables
  • Include legumes such as lentils and beans
  • Snack on nuts and seeds
  • Choose whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible

These simple dietary adjustments increase fiber intake and contribute to a diverse and flourishing gut microbiome. By embracing a fiber-rich diet, you support your natural detoxification processes while boosting your digestive system’s overall health and regularity.

Sleep to improve your detoxification process

Sleep is essential for your body’s Natural Detox Process. You should aim for 7 – 8 hours of good sleep per night.

Quality sleep is a crucial phase in the body’s regenerative processes, particularly when it comes to detoxification.

The Glymphatic system

During sleep, the glymphatic system[3], a recently discovered waste clearance system in the brain, becomes highly active. 

This system operates much like the lymphatic system in the rest of the body, facilitating the removal of toxic byproducts that accumulate between brain cells during wakefulness.

The glymphatic system balances out metabolic waste, including proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Thus, adequate, high-quality sleep is essential for the brain’s detoxification and overall cognitive health!

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Tips for better sleep hygiene

To detox your body, enhance the quality of your sleep, and optimize the body’s detoxification processes, consider implementing the following tips for better sleep hygiene:

Make sure you go to bed at a similar time each night and this will naturally wake you up at a similar time each morning.

Create a Restful bedroom environment by keeping it dark, cool, and quiet. Turn off your wifi at night.

Limit Screen Time for a few hours before going to bed. Blue light emitted by electronic devices affects melatonin production, a very important hormone the pineal gland produces for your circadian rhythm.

If you struggle with sleep, practicing meditation, deep breathing, or gentle stretching before bed can be really helpful to get yourself into a para-sympathetic state to induce sleepiness.

Limit Stimulants: Avoid consuming caffeinated beverages or stimulants close to bedtime. Opt for a calming herbal tea instead.

A good night’s rest may literally clear the mind. Research and studies have shown that the space between brain cells may increase during sleep, allowing the brain to flush out toxins that build up during waking hours. These results suggest a new role for sleep in health and disease.

Sweating for natural detox, especially heavy metals and volatile pollutants

Scientific research has substantiated the role of sweating in eliminating a range of toxic substances, potentially harmful substances, and other toxins, supporting the view that perspiration is a crucial component of the body’s natural detox processes. Everyone has some level of toxic metals in their bodies, circulating and accumulating over their lifetime.

Heavy metals: cadmium, arsenic, lead, and mercury detox and sweating

Sweating facilitates the excretion of heavy metals [4], pollutants, and various metabolic byproducts, offering a secondary route for toxin removal. Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury have no known beneficial effect in humans.

They are considered carcinogenic and have wide-ranging toxic effects on many bodily systems, including the nervous, hormone, kidney, skeletal, immune, and cardiovascular systems.

Eccrine sweat glands, distributed across the skin, play a pivotal role in this detoxification mechanism

Methods for inducing sweating

Some of the best methods to induce sweating include:

  • Saunas: Heat exposure in saunas (we favor infrared saunas) triggers profuse sweating, promoting the elimination of toxins such as heavy metals and volatile organic compounds.
  • Hot Yoga: This form of yoga is practiced in a heated room, intensifying sweating and potentially enhancing detoxification.
  • Exercise: Physical activity increases body temperature, activating sweat glands.

The study found that sweat is an acknowledged excretory route for toxic metals.

Physical Activity to Improve your Body’s Detoxification Process

women participating in movement for natural detox

Exercise is a powerful ally in the body’s natural detox processes, operating through multiple physiological mechanisms. First and foremost, exercise increases blood circulation, enhancing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells while promoting the removal of metabolic waste products.

This heightened blood flow optimizes organ function [5] and supports the kidneys and liver in filtering and eliminating toxins

Lymphatic system and movement

Additionally, exercise stimulates the lymphatic system, a crucial component of the immune system that transports white blood cells and drains waste products. Your lymphatic system isn’t like your blood system, it doesn’t have a pump so it must be stimulated via movement.

Furthermore, sweating is triggered as the body naturally heats up during exercise, providing a direct route for eliminating certain toxins through the skin.

Incorporating movement into your daily lifestyle practices

Here are some tips for incorporating more movement into daily life:

  • Aim for at least 30 minutes of brisk walking most days of the week.
  • Try yoga. It can enhance flexibility, stimulate circulation, and promote relaxation.
  • Cycling is an excellent low-impact exercise that can be adapted to various fitness levels. I love my Peloton bike! 
  • Engage in activities you find enjoyable else you will quit.
  • Start with realistic goals and gradually increase intensity and duration.
  • Look for opportunities to move throughout the day. For example, take the stairs.

Integrating regular physical activity into your lifestyle supports your body’s detoxification processes and promotes overall health and well-being.

Blood sugar balancing whole foods program to detox naturally

Avoid sugary and processed foods, especially if you are seeking weight loss. Hydration is also important for keeping your blood sugar levels balanced.

Detoxing from sugar takes a few days and may induce headaches in the meantime. Getting sugar out of your diet is one of the most critical things you can do for your health to reduce the load and effect of environmental toxins.

Hormone imbalances in women’s health are often related to stress levels related to sugar intake and blood levels.

Sugar detox your body naturally

You’ll know you have detoxed from sugar because your cravings and energy will diminish, and you’ll crave healthier foods more than unhealthy ones. If it takes longer than 3 days, check in with your healthcare professional, but you will likely be eating hidden sugars. Switching foods is a great way to detox naturally and will aid weight loss over time.

Minerals are helpful when dealing with sugar cravings, especially magnesium a mineral in short-supply in our soils and required for almost 400 enzymatic activities in your body.


In conclusion, the journey toward effective full-body detox involves understanding the intricacies of our bodies and embracing scientifically supported methods and detox programs that align with our innate healing processes. With 2/3 of the US population being overweight or obese, weight loss has never been more important. However, you won’t enjoy significant weight loss without taking care of your toxic burden first.

Now, the call to action is yours. Incorporate these methods into your daily life, tailoring them to your preferences, lifestyle practices, and pace.

Whether starting your day with a glass of warm lemon water, embracing a fiber-rich diet, practicing better sleep hygiene, or engaging in regular physical activity—each small step contributes to a stronger, healthier you.

Schedule a complimentary detox discovery call

Schedule a complimentary detox discovery call with our team if you need additional help with your natural body detoxification or detox program. We’re always here to help you with a supervised detox cleanse or one of our advanced detox programs that supports your body’s ability to detox.


  1. Popkin BM, D’Anci KE, Rosenberg IH. Water, hydration, and health. Nutr Rev. 2010 Aug;68(8):439-58. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2010.00304.x. PMID: 20646222; PMCID: PMC2908954.
  2. Yang J, Wang HP, Zhou L, Xu CF. Effect of dietary fiber on constipation: a meta analysis. World J Gastroenterol. 2012 Dec 28;18(48):7378-83. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i48.7378. PMID: 23326148; PMCID: PMC3544045.
  3. Voumvourakis KI, Sideri E, Papadimitropoulos GN, Tsantzali I, Hewlett P, Kitsos D, Stefanou M, Bonakis A, Giannopoulos S, Tsivgoulis G, Paraskevas GP. The Dynamic Relationship between the Glymphatic System, Aging, Memory, and Sleep. Biomedicines. 2023 Jul 25;11(8):2092. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines11082092. PMID: 37626589; PMCID: PMC10452251.
  4. Kuan WH, Chen YL, Liu CL. Excretion of Ni, Pb, Cu, As, and Hg in Sweat under Two Sweating Conditions. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Apr 4;19(7):4323. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19074323. PMID: 35410004; PMCID: PMC8998800.
  5. Simioni C, Zauli G, Martelli AM, Vitale M, Sacchetti G, Gonelli A, Neri LM. Oxidative stress: role of physical exercise and antioxidant nutraceuticals in adulthood and aging. Oncotarget. 2018 Mar 30;9(24):17181-17198. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.24729. PMID: 29682215; PMCID: PMC5908316.

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Clare Kelway Experienced Functional Medicine practitioner specializing in natural health solutions.

Clare Kelway

Functional Medicine Practitioner

Metabolix Health Clinical Director, Clare Kelway BS DIHom HHP BCHN® is recognized as an expert in functional metabolism. She is a  Functional Medicine practitioner with decades of experience in natural health solutions.  She specializes in optimizing your metabolism, hormones, and gut health. Her own health turnaround in her 30s led to her career in functional medicine. She is the Founder of Metabolix Health, a virtual functional medicine practice in Erie, Colorado. A lifelong learner and researcher, her passion is helping clients reverse their health issues in the simplest way. She is a candid, direct communicator who clients often refer to as a “breath of fresh air”. She champions their journeys and says her reward is watching her clients restore their health and regain their vitality for life.